Today’s Verse: 1 Peter 3:4 (msg)
“Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.”
I was reading my latest Experience Life magazine and found an article on Wabi-Sabi. I know this term in the form of the Japanese broken pottery that is fixed with gold glues and paints in order to highlight and lift up the imperfections. It is understood that the imperfections increase its value. The cracks show that the cup or pot is well used and cared for. Thus it is valuable.
In the magazine there was this quote that really resonated with me, here it is. “The Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, or “imperfect beauty, prizes authenticity. It acknowledges three simple realities:
Nothing lasts forever
Nothing is ever finished
Nothing is truly perfect.”
I love the idea of applying this to my everyday life.
I will not last forever.
I am a work in progress.
I will never be perfect.
Simplicity at its best. By accepting these truths and moving beyond searching, wanting, and perfection, I might be able to see myself in a more positive light. Appreciate who I am without question. Let go of the way I want things to be and embrace and value how they are. Most importantly love myself – cracks (wrinkles) and all!
Will you join me?