Bible Verse for today: is Proverbs 16:9
“ The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.”
One of the best pieces of advice that I ever got, was from a very special friend who touched and continues to touch my life. We were doing a 10 week small group study on a biblical approach to being healthy and there was a lot of advice being passed around. She was the leader of the group and she shared that a key component of living a full life is that we need to be open to learning new things. Most of all as we learn new things we need to keep an open mind and heart. Keeping this in mind, the advice that she shared was “Keep the best, and leave the rest!”
Not every faith, belief, exercise, biblical study, way of eating, hair style, etc.. is right for every person. Each of us is uniquely designed and made and each of us needs to find what works for us and us alone. In order to continue to grow mentally, physically, and spiritually we need to keep learning, search out information that speaks to us, travel paths that we have not traveled before and learn from others. The important thing to remember in our journeys is that we keep what sparkles or resonates with who we are and file the rest away.
During the Lenten Insights series, we are sharing information, ideas, practices and insights that sparkle and resonate with us. Our hope is that we can plant seeds that will take root when and where they need to grow. Our hope is that you “Take the best, for you, and leave the rest”