How About a New Hobby This Lent?
I got an advertisement from Let’s Make Art the other day. It is a subscription service for boxes that have all the supplies and instructions on how to create your own watercolor paintings. I have never been great at art, but I do love to paint and create something new. I love the way watercolor paintings look (if I could, that is all I would have on my walls) and I would love to learn how to do it. The advertisement I got also contained a video of someone creating a beautiful, simple picture. It was so calming and creative, I immediately wondered if I could incorporate this form of art--of slowing down and creating--into my life, especially during the Lenten season when I am consciously working on finding ways to pay better attention to my inner world.
Is there something you have always wanted to try out doing? A new craft, form of art, workout routine, musical instrument? Why not pick it up during this Lent as a way of self-care? Trying out a new hobby is a great way to take care of your mind, body, and spirit! First of all, it helps keep our brains sharp by creating new neural pathways. It also helps us to slow down and take time out of our daily routine to focus on something that gives us a sense of accomplishment and excitement, which can boost our mood. It naturally takes us away from time-wasting activities like mindless TV watching or scrolling through our phones.
When thinking about what your new hobby might be, don’t give into your fears of inadequacy as you start your new activity. I certainly feel very inadequate doing water coloring painting. What makes me think that I can do this? You may have similar objections: I will look foolish! I will mess up! I am not good at this! When these thoughts come, I remind myself that I am doing this for myself, no one has to know or see what I produce, it is meant just for me—to try my hand at something new, to get my creativity to flow and to slow down intentionally. If I keep this bigger picture in mind, I will have succeeded already! Will you join me in trying out new a hobby this Lent?
What seems exciting and fun to you?